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特发此证 以资鼓励还是以资鼓励(特发此证以资鼓励格式)

摘要 关于特发此证 以资鼓励还是以资鼓励,特发此证以资鼓励格式不少朋友还不清楚,今天小二来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

关于特发此证 以资鼓励还是以资鼓励,特发此证以资鼓励格式不少朋友还不清楚,今天小二来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Certificate of CommendationThis is to certify that XXX has been named a Student of Three Excellences for 1999-2000 and has been awarded a First-Place Scholarship. May there be more success to come.上面的"This is to certify..."相当于“特发此证”。

2、最后的"May there be more success to come."相当于“以资鼓励”。

