1、Wolf, carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog. Two species—and a varying number of subspecies—of wolves are recognized: the grey, or timber, wolf, once widely distributed in North America, Europe, and Asia; and the red wolf, which became extinct in the wild but has been reintroduced to North and South Carolina, United States, through a captive-breeding programme. An adult timber wolf measures up to 6 m (5y ft) in length, including the tail (which is less than half the body length), and may weigh up to 80 kg (175 lb). The animal is reddish-yellow or yellowish-grey, with black patches above and white below; those in the far north, however, may be pure white, and black or brown timber wolves also occur. The red wolf is somewhat smaller in size and usually darker in colour. Coyotes have hybridized with some red wolves. All wolves are characterized by powerful teeth, bushy tails, and round pupils, and they are distinguished from domestic dogs (some breeds of which they otherwise resemble) by certain characteristics of the skull.。