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1、Story summary /Brilliant statement精彩语句 This is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice" in the opening section, leads some in the early nineteenth century England and on the value of the classic love story. As we all know, in Austin, in the novel by Quebec five daughters getting different treatment, shown township middle-class families of marriage for girls who love the different attitudes, which reflected the author I love the idea of marriage: the sake of property, money and the - The marriage is wrong; The marriage did not take into account the above factors also stupid. Therefore, she opposes the money for the purpose of marriage, also opposes the marriage lightly. She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage, and the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of the marriage ideal. The story of Quebec heroine Elizabeth (Keira Terri) was born to a family of small landowners four sisters, Sister Jane Quebec, Quebec sister Mary, Katie Quebec and Laidiya Quebec. Five sisters and a little monotonous quiet life along with the two young guys coming up and it is undeniable-and eliminate the waves. Bin Heli healthy and progressive and rich Darcy (Matthew Mike Deng) is a good friend, became acquainted with the town lure of this home, "five", a beautiful and full of "Pride and Prejudice" love story. 这是英国著名女作家简·奥斯汀的代表作《傲慢与偏见》的开篇一段话,引出了一段发生在十九世纪初英国的关于爱与价值的经典故事。

2、 众所周知,奥斯汀在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而也反映了作者本人对爱情对婚姻的想法:单单为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。



5、 故事的女主人公伊丽莎白·班纳特(凯拉·奈特丽)出身于小地主家庭有四个姐妹,姐姐简·班纳特、妹妹玛丽·班纳特、凯蒂·班纳特和莱蒂娅·班纳特。




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