aka是英文also known as的缩写,意为亦称,又叫做。
例句:Some of the following sites offer actual printed books, while others feature electronic books (aka “ebooks”). Please bear in mind that the list is alphabetized, not ordered by importance. 下面的一些网站还提供图书的印刷品,而其它的网站则以提供电子图书(又叫做“电子书”)为特色。
2、They either license existing devices from miscellaneous unnamed overseas manufacturers, or “innovate” through tiny incremental feature design – aka copy others. 他们要么使用从海外混杂无名的制造商进口的设备,要么通过增加功能的微小设计进行“创新”——亦称抄袭别人。
扩展资料相关句子:Many self-help experts, including Tony Robbins, say that our actions are driven by the fundamental forces of pleasure and pain, aka the carrot and the stick. 包括托尼·罗伯逊再内的许多自助专家,说我们的行动受快乐或痛苦的力量所推动,也就是受奖励或惩罚推动。
2、They wanted to build plants that would clean local wastewater — aka sewage water — and after that cleaning, make it available as drinking water. 他们希望建设一些清洁当地污水的水厂,称为污水处理厂,并且在处理后使这些水成为饮用水。
3、Welsh Rarebit aka cheese on toast is a truly, truly delicious breakfast. 威尔士干酪,也就是吐司加奶酪,真的是一种美味的早餐。
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