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摘要 关于payphone歌词翻译,payphone歌词不少朋友还不清楚,今天小二来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、《Payphone》歌词—...


1、《Payphone》歌词——演唱:Maroon 5,Wiz Khalifa填词:Adam Levine,Benny Blanco,Ammar Malik,Robopop谱曲/编曲:Shellback,Benny BlancoI’m at a payphone trying to call home.我在电话亭里尝试给家打电话,All of my change I’ve spent it on you.为你我花去了所有的零钱,Where are the times gone baby?曾经的美好时光哪去了?It’s all wrong, we’re at the place we made for two.宝贝,全错了,我们准备的完美计划都已消逝不见,Yeah, I, I know it’s hard to remember.是的,我,我知道这很难记起,The people we used to be,我们原先的样子,It’s even harder to picture,但更难的是去想象,That you’re not here next to me.你不在我身旁。

2、You said it’s too late to make it,你说弥补过错已经太晚,But is it too late to try?但尝试重修旧好真的太迟了吗?And then that time that you wasted,在你我浪费的冷战时光里,All of our bridges burnt down,我们没有回头路可走,I’ve wasted my nights,我们已蹉跎日日夜夜,You turned out the lights,生命的光亮已被你无情熄灭,Now I’m paralyzed,如今我已麻痹无力,Still stucked in that time when we called it love,还沉浸在旧日美好的爱情时光,But even the sun sets in paradise.但再绚丽的太阳也终归西沉。

3、I’m at a payphone trying to call home,我在电话亭里尝试给家打电话,All of my change i’ve spent on you,为你我花去了所有的零钱,Where are the times gone baby?曾经的美好时光哪去了?It’s all wrong, we’re at the place we made for two,宝贝,全错了,我们准备的完美计划都已消逝不见,If happy ever after did exist,若我们之间还有快乐存在,I would still be holding you like this,现在我就还能拥你在怀,And all those fairytales are full of it,但那些童话故事是骗人的,One more stupid love song I’ll be safe,那些恶俗的情歌让我恶心,You turned your back on tomorrow,你舍弃了明日,Cause you forgot yesterday,因为昨日的教训已被你抛到脑后,I gave you my love to borrow,曾经把真心献给你,But just gave it away,但你却肆意玩弄,You can’t expect me to be fine,你别指望我能装作若无其事,I don’t expect you to care,我也不指望你能在乎我的心伤,I know I said it before,我明白这句话 我以前曾经说过,But all of our bridges burnt down,我们没有回头路可走,I’ve wasted my nights,我们已蹉跎日日夜夜,You turned out the lights,生命的光亮已被你无情熄灭,Now I’m paralyzed,如今我已麻痹无力,Still stucked in that time when we called it love,还沉浸在旧日美好的爱情时光,But even the sun sets in paradise,但再绚丽的太阳也终归西沉,I’m at a payphone trying to call home,我在电话亭里尝试给家打电话,All of my change I’ve spent on you,为你我花去了所有的零钱,Where are the times gone baby?曾经的美好时光哪去了?It’s all wrong, we’re at the place we made for two,宝贝,全错了,我们准备的完美计划都已消逝不见,If happy ever after did exist,若我们之间还有快乐存在,I would still be holding you like this,现在我就还能拥你在怀,And all those fairytales are full of it,但那些童话故事是骗人的,One more stupid love song I’ll be safe,那些恶俗的情歌让我恶心,Now I’m at a payphone…如今我站在公用电话前...Now work that sh-t,现在行动起来,I’ll be right here spending all this money while you sitting round,我就在这里挥金如土而你无所事事,Wondering why wasn’t you who came out from nothing,你也许会独自沉思,为何白手起家,声名鹊起的是我而不是你,Made it from the bottom,我从底层一步步爬上来,Now when you see me I’m strutting,现在你看到我 只能看到我的华丽背影,And all of my cause a way to push up a button,我的跑车启动只需要一个按键,Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it,那些说我成名之后变了的人,爱怎么说怎么说吧,Switched the number to my phone,我把手机号换掉,So you never can call it,让你们永远别想再找到我,Don’t need my name, or my show,不需要我的名字,我的表演,Swish you can tell it I’m ballin’,投篮空心入网,What a shame coulda got picked,真遗憾,当年我也有机会,Had a really good game but you missed your last shot,你也曾打了场精彩的比赛,可惜最后的绝杀球就是没进,So you talk about who you see at the top,所以如今你只能谈着当年看到某位厉害人物,Or what you could’ve saw,或者错过了和大佬见面的机会,But sad to say it’s over for it,很抱歉错过就没机会了,Phantom roll out valet open doors,幻影车停下 专门的服务员开启大门,Where’s the car way, got what you was looking for,车道在哪里,你已经得偿所愿了,Now ask me who they want,现在炙手可热的是我,So you can go take that little piece of sh-t with you.这破玩意你要就开走吧。

4、I’m at a payphone trying to call home,我在电话亭里尝试给家打电话,All of my change I’ve spent on you,为你我花去了所有的零钱,Where are the times gone baby?曾经的美好时光哪去了?It’s all wrong, we’re at the place we made for two,宝贝,全错了,我们准备的完美计划都已消逝不见,If happy ever after did exist,若我们之间还有快乐存在,I would still be holding you like this,现在我就还能拥你在怀,And all these fairytales are full of it,但那些童话故事是骗人的,One more stupid love song I’ll be safe,那些恶俗的情歌让我恶心,Now i’m at a payphone…如今 我站在公用电话前...扩展资料:《Payphone》收录在魔力红第四张录音室专辑《Overexposed》中,于2012年4月17日由A&M Octone唱片发行。

5、歌曲《Payphone》由魔力红乐队与来自匹兹堡的说唱歌手维兹·卡利法首次合作 。

6、2011年9月,这首歌曲作为给魔力红的一位粉丝Nguyen Quynh Mai的生日礼物而被创作了出来。





